Rotem Sivan Trio + 1

Agosto 31, 2023
7.30PM & 9:30PM
San Francisco CA, US
Black Cat Jazz Supper Club
Rotem Sivan Trio + 1
Nicola Caminiti

Rotem Sivan – Guitar
Nicola Caminiti – Alto Saxophone
Hamish Smith – Bass
Miguel Russel – Drums


“Rotem Sivan combines energy, ideas and undeniable chops…A remarkable talent and a welcome new voice on the scene.” – DownBeat Magazine

The guitar skills of New York-based Rotem Sivan have been heralded across the globe. The New York Times has praised him as “more than a very good young guitar player,” while Downbeat Magazine has called him “a remarkable talent.”

Rotem completed his studies in both classical composition and performance with honors in Tel Aviv and in New York City at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music. He has performed in world-renowned clubs and festivals in countries around the world, including the Polanco Festival, Chutzpah Festival, Marseille Festival, Nice Festival, Exposure Festival, Montreux Festival, Utopia Music Festival, Bern Festival, Ottawa Festival and Sonora Jazz Festival to name a few, and has given workshops around the world in top universities and schools.

“He lets you hear the innate sound of his instrument, using classic jazz-guitar tone with dynamics and a searching quality to his improvising.. He attains a kind of private language.. It’s the kind of thing that makes you listen harder.” – The New York Times

“Rotem Sivan is, with no doubt, the next guitarist of our times. He is a leader and a listener.” – Peter Bernstein


Rotem Sivan Trio+1
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